ADVFIT Group is a leading industrial and process solutions consultant based out of Penang, Malaysia. Our capabilities and our component range penetrated all the majors industries segment in Malaysia & Asia country. Since inception in year 2003, ADVFIT Group has established more than 20 year now itself as an active Industrial automation global products brand distributors and providing engineering & Automation solutions for manufacturing industries.
We are Representative & Authorized Distributors for brand: Zimmer Group, Rittal Malaysia, di-soric Sensors, icotek, Werma Malaysia, Fandis, murrelektronik, Robotiq, Crydom, Crouzet, BEI sensors Encoder, Sensata, Azbil, Weidmuller, Hohner Encoder, Selet Sensors, Amphenol-industrial, Amphenol Aerospace, Siko Global, Akusence Sensors, Tecom-Teco Group, Dot Heal, microsonic Sensors, Baumer Sensors, Rechner Sensors, Binder Connector, Sensopart, Wago, Harting Technology, Telemecanique Sensors, Lumberg Automation, Hirschmann, Coax Valve, Datasensing Sensors, Elobau, Nihon Seiki, Fortress Interlocks, Binder Connectors, EAO AG, Metrol Sensors, Balluff Sensors, Asco Joucomatic Valve, Euchner, Kuebler, Wohner, Woehner, Alliolight Light System, VA Instrument, Thira Robotics, Techno, Geswiss popular & reputable brand.
ADVFIT Group is a leading industrial and process solutions consultant based out of Penang, Malaysia. Our capabilities and our component range penetrated all the majors industries segment in Malaysia & Asia country. Since inception in year 2003, ADVFIT Group has established more than 20 year now itself as an active Industrial automation global products brand distributors and providing engineering & Automation solutions for manufacturing industries.
We are Representative & Authorized Distributors for brand: Zimmer Group, Rittal Malaysia, di-soric Sensors, icotek, Werma Malaysia, Fandis, murrelektronik, Robotiq, Crydom, Crouzet, BEI sensors Encoder, Sensata, Azbil, Weidmuller, Hohner Encoder, Selet Sensors, Amphenol-industrial, Amphenol Aerospace, Siko Global, Akusence Sensors, Tecom-Teco Group, Dot Heal, microsonic Sensors, Baumer Sensors, Rechner Sensors, Binder Connector, Sensopart, Wago, Harting Technology, Telemecanique Sensors, Lumberg Automation, Hirschmann, Coax Valve, Datasensing Sensors, Elobau, Nihon Seiki, Fortress Interlocks, Binder Connectors, EAO AG, Metrol Sensors, Balluff Sensors, Asco Joucomatic Valve, Euchner, Kuebler, Wohner, Woehner, Alliolight Light System, VA Instrument, Thira Robotics, Techno, Geswiss popular & reputable brand.
![]() icotek Smart Cable Management >> Distributors | Dealer | Agents :: Malaysia Authorized Distributors | Thailand Authorized Distributors | Indonesia Distributors | Vietnam | Philippines Distributors | Singapore | Myanmar Distributors | Cambodia | Laos | Brunei Distributors | Timor Leste | Pakistan Distributors | Sri-Lanka Distributors | Nepal Distributors | Africa Distributors
The icotek is a privately held company within the icotek group. At our headquarters in Eschach, Germany we develop our products and distribute them worldwide. With offices in the UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, the U.S., Turkey and China as well as » representatives in over 60 countries, we are a strong and reliable partner for the global industry. We provide expert advice, a high delivery capability and a broad range of services for our customers around the globe. The patented » cable entry systems from icotek are used in a variety of industries and application areas and have become indispensable over the years. The fields of activity range from » machine tools, » railway technology, » wind turbines, » solar technology, » vehicle construction and » packaging machines to » automation and robotics. Wherever electric lines, pneumatic and hydraulic hoses or optical fiber have to be securely routed into a machine, a plant or a control cabinet the icotek systems are in use, tightly sealing the routed lines and providing superior strain relief. If you have an application that has the possibility of extreme contamination by water, dust, vibration or extreme temperatures can occur, we offer reliable solutions. >> Quickproducts Overview >> icotek Distributor e-Shop |
icotek : smart cable managements - Authorized distributors -cable glands -cable entry - emc solution
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Distributors | icotek El Salvador | #splitemccableentry | #strainrelief | #emcshieldclamps | #brushseal #icotekasia | #icotekdistributors | #icotekgroup | icotek England | icotek Equatorial Guinea Eritrea | icotek Estonia | icotek Ethiopia | icotek Fiji | icotek Finland | icotek France | icotek Gabon Gambia The Georgia | icotek Germany | icotek Ghana | icotek Great Britain | icotek Greece | icotek Grenada Guatemala | Guinea | icotek Guinea-Bissau | icotek qt | icotek qtmb | icotek qt-dt | icotek emc-kt | icotek kt-cr | icotek pce | icotek pneumatics | icotek at-m | icotek at-k-m | icotek at-k-z | icotek at-ks | icotek at-pp | icotek at-fl | icotek at-b | icotek qt-at-m | icotek qt-at-k-m | icotek qt-at-ks | icotek qt-at-pp | icotek qt-at-fl | icotek qt-at-b | icotek Guyana | icotek Haiti | icotek Honduras | icotek Hungary | icotek Iceland | icotek India | icotek Indonesia | icotek Iran | icotek Iraq | icotek Ireland | icotek Israel | icotek Italy | icotek Jamaica | icotek Japan | icotek Jordan | icotek Kazakhstan | icotek Kenya | icotek Kiribati | icotek Korea North | icotek KB-HDD | icotek KLKB | icotek KLB | icotek KBH | icotek confix FWS | icotek confix WS | icotek confix WST | icotek confix SH | icotek KDR-ESR | icotek KDR2 | icotek KDR-BMP | icotek MP | icotek KDR-BES | icotek KDR-BES-U | icotek FP-BES-U | icotek FP | icotek BPM | icotek BPK | icotek BPK-RF | icotek BPK-Snap | icotek Drainage Devices | icotek Fitting Buckhead | icotek KLKB /KLB | icotek Korea South | icotek Kosovo | icotek Kuwait | icotek Kyrgyzstan | icotek Laos Distributors | icotek Latvia | icotek Lebanon | icotek Lesotho | icotek Liberia | icotek Libya | icotek Liechtenstein | icotek Lithuania | icotek Luxembourg | icotek Macedonia | icotek Madagascar | icotek Malawi | #confixconduit | #hygieniccableentry | #cableentryplates | #cableglands | #splitemccableentry | icotek Malaysia Distributors | icotek KEL-DPZ-BS | icotek IFPS | icotek KEL-DPU-HD | icotek KEL-DPZ-HD | icotek ST-B-HD | icotek ST-B-HDD | icotek KB-HDD | icotek KBH-HDD | icotek KEL-ER-CR | icotek KEL-U-CR | icotek KT-CR | icotek KT-CR Multi | icotek KEL-DPZ-CR | icotek KEL-DPZ-HD-CR | icotek Productfinder | icotek quickproducts overviews | icotek round plates | icotek FDA compliant | icotek Maldives | icotek Mali, Malta | icotek Marshall Islands | icotek Mauritania | icotek Mauritius | icotek Mexico | icotek Micronesia | icotek Moldova | icotek Monaco | icotek Mongolia | icotek Montenegro | icotek Morocco | icotek Mozambique | icotek Myanmar Distributors | icotek pe conductors | icotek earthing tapes | icotek emc bus modules | icotek EMC pcb | icotek serviceBoxes | icotek emc collector | icotek cable braket | icotek strain plates | icotek KT , icotek KT multi | icotek ktmbs | icotek kt-dpf | icotek kt-sc | icotek ktmb | icotek ktmb 183 | icotek ktf | icotek ft | icotek kt-dt | icotek Namibia | icotek Nauru | icotek Nepal | icotek Netherlands | icotek New Zealand | icotek Nicaragua | icotek Niger | icotek Nigeria | icotek GMT | icotek GMT | icotek MF | icotek SSK | icotek din rail cutter | icotek driver sets | icotek Rectangular Punches | icotek MW85/100 | icotek KEL-ER-BS | icotek KEL-U-BS | icotek KEL-DPU-BS | icotek Norway | icotek Northern Ireland | icotek Oman | icotek Pakistan | icotek Palau | icotek Palestinian State | icotek Panama | icotek Papua New Guinea Distributors | icotek Paraguay | icotek Peru | icotek Philippines Distributors | icotek Poland | icotek Portugal | icotek Qatar Distributors | icotek Romania | icotek Russia | icotekgroup | #icotekmalaysia | #icotekthailand | #icotekindonesia | #icoteksingapore | #icotekphilippines | icotek Rwanda | icotek St. Kitts & Nevis | icotek St. Lucia St. Vincent & The Grenadines | icotek Samoa | icotek San Marino | icotek São Tomé & Príncipe | icotek Saudi Arabia | icotek Scotland | icotek Senegal | icotek Serbia | icotek Seychelles | icotek Sierra Leone | icotek Singapore Distributors | icotek qvt-click | icotek kgm | icotek 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Ukraine | icotek United Arab Emirates (UAE) | icotek United Kingdom | icotek plug | icotek ST | icotek kel-er | icotek kel-u | icotek kel-fa | icotek kel | icotek kel-fg-er | icotek kel-quick | icotek kel-fl | icotek kel-183 | icotek kel-jumbo | icotek kel-snap | icotek cover plug | icotek kel-qta | icotek kel-qte | icotek kel-bes-s | icotek kvt-er | icotek kvt | icotek kvt-w90 | icotek kvt-snap | icotek kvt-80 | icotek qvt | icotek United States (USA) | icotek Uruguay | icotek Uzbekistan | icotek Vanuatu | icotek Vatican City (Holy See) | icotek Venezuela | icotek Vietnam Distributors | icotek Western Sahara* | icotek Wales | icotek Yemen | icotek Zaire | icotek Zambia | icotek Zimbabwe
Werma Authorized Distributors | Audible & Signal Device |
ADVFIT is the WERMA Supplier / Authorized Distributors WERMA Malaysia. WERMA Signaltechnik is one of the world's leading companies for optical and audible signal devices. The globally active company from Swabia in Germany is pioneering in terms of technical and future-fit innovations. WERMA signal devices ensure safe working environments and efficient processes with machines, systems, manufacturing bays and buildings.
WERMA SIGNALTECHNIK DISTRIBUTORS - Tower light -signal monitoring system - heavy duty horns & sirens
WERMA Signaltechnik Malaysia Suppliers | WERMA Signaltechnik Distributor | WERMA Signaltechnik Malaysia Dealer | WERMA Signaltechnik Malaysia |Werma Malaysia | Werma Supplier Agents | WERMA Signaltechnik Malaysia Representative | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย WERMA ประเทศไทย | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #werma #Wermadistributors #WermaMalaysia #Wermathailand #WermaSingapore #Wermaphilippines #Wermavietnam #Wermaindonesia #WermaMynmar #WermaLaos #WermaNepal #Wermasrilanka #Wermabangladesh
Rittal Malaysia Distributors - The System :: Faster - Better - Everywhere >> The Rittal Enclosure Supplier in Malaysia - Online Shop - Sales Support team - Stockiest >> Explore
SouthEast Asia : Malaysia | Thailand | Indonesia | Philippines | Vietnam | Brunei | Singapore | Myanmar | Cambodia | Laos | Timor-Leste - Rittal Penang | Rittal Kuala Lumpur | Melaka | Johor | Sabah | Sarawak | Rittal Selangor | Perak | Ipoh | Pahang | Kuantan >> Inquiry |
Rittal World's leading Enclosure solution, ADVFIT Group as Rittal sales partner and Rittal supplier & distributors in Malaysia we are specialize in rittal >>products range : from enclosures system, power distributions, thermal control Management systems & cable Management systems in Malaysia Region
Lumberg Automation & Hirschmann - Belden connects and protects organizations worldwide with the industry’s most complete suite of end-to-end networking solutions. >> Explore Belden Brand distributors - Lumberg Automation Distributors - Hirschmann Distributors >> Nhà phân phối - ผู้จัดจำหน่าย - Malaysia - Thailand - Indonesia - Singapore - Vietnam - Philippines - Laos - Myanmar - Cambodia - Timor-lester - Brunei |
ADVFIT Automation is Distributors for Zimmer Group Products range of Handling technology , Damping technology, Linear technology and Machine technology . As THE KNOW-HOW FACTORY, we accompany our customers Asia & globally in the age of digital transformation on their way to the forefront of technology. We see ourselves not only as a technological leader and a manufacturer of hardware and software from a single source, but also as a competent partner in research and development. Zimmer Group stands for family business, passion, innovation, stability, expertise and the vision of securing the growth of our customers as a future full-range supplier.
Please Download the >> Products Catalogue |
Fandis Authorized Distributors , an official Fandis Supplier and Fandis Stockiest by ADVFIT Group
>> The thermal management of electrical panels Malaysia | Thailand | Singapore | Indonesia | Philippines | Vietnam | Brunei *Fandis Distributors :: Solutions for the thermal management of electrical enclosures and industrial processes in different fields >> EXPLORE |
Crydom Distributors | Solid State Relays / Power Relays |
ADVFIT is Distributors of Sensata | Crydom has a broad offer of Solid State Relays and Contactors in several different mounting styles, covering a wide range of voltage and current ratings. Our Solid State Relays can be used to control almost any type of load in demanding heating, lighting, motion and power control applications that can benefit from the many advantages that SSRs have over traditional electromechanical relays, such as extended life expectancy, faster switching speed, lack of acoustical noise, higher resistance to shock and vibration, among others. In addition to the most extensive range of SSRs in the market Sensata | Crydom offers digital Input/Output modules, power modules, ready-to-use assemblies and a wide variety of accessories which facilitate the use of our solid state relays. |
crydom distributors | Solid state relays | yours sources of supplier
Crydom SSR Supplier | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Crydom ประเทศไทย | Crydom SSR Distributor | Crydom SSR Dealer | Crydom SSR Agents | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #Crydom #CrydomDistributors #CrydomSSR # CrydomSupplier #Solidstaterealays #relays #Powerrelays
المعتمدين Crydom | Crydom gemagtigde verspreiders | distributorë të autorizuar Crydom | Crydom Authorized distributors | Crydom የተፈቀደላቸው አከፋፋዮች | Crydom yetefek’edelachewi ākefafayochi | almuazaeayn almuetamidayn Crydom | Crydom լիազորված դիստրիբյուտորներ | Crydom liazorvats distribyutorner | Crydom səlahiyyətli distribyutorları | আইকোটেক অনুমোদিত পরিবেশক | Ā'ikōṭēka anumōdita paribēśaka | Crydom baimendutako banatzaileak | аўтарызаваныя дыстрыб'ютары Crydom | aŭtaryzavanyja dystrybjutary Crydom | Crydom ovlašteni distributeri | оторизирани дистрибутори на Crydom | otorizirani distributori na Crydom | Crydom ခွင့်ပြုထားသော ဖြန့်ဖြူးသူများ | Crydom hkwng pyuhtarrsaw hpya n hpyauu suumyarr | distribuïdors autoritzats Crydom | Mga awtorisadong distributor sa Crydom | Crydom 授权经销商 |distributori autorizati Crydom | Crydom ovlašteni distributeri | autorizovaní distributoři Crydom | Crydom autoriserede distributører | Crydom geautoriseerde distributeurs | Crydom rajtigitaj distribuistoj | Crydom volitatud edasimüüjad | mga awtorisadong distributor ng Crydom | Crydom valtuutetut jälleenmyyjät | distributeurs agréés Crydom | distribuidores autorizados Crydom | Crydom ავტორიზებული დისტრიბუტორები | Crydom avt’orizebuli dist’ribut’orebi | autorisierte Crydom -Distributoren | εξουσιοδοτημένοι διανομείς Crydom | exousiodotiménoi dianomeís Crydom | Crydom અધિકૃત વિતરકો | Crydom adhikr̥ta vitarakō |distribitè otorize Crydom | Crydom masu rarraba izini | nā mea hoʻolaha ʻae Crydom | מפיצים מורשים של Crydom | आईकोटेक अधिकृत वितरक | Crydom adhikrt vitarak | Crydom अधिकृत वितरक | Crydom adhikrt vitarak | Crydom tso cai distributors | Crydom hivatalos forgalmazói | Crydom viðurkenndir dreifingaraðilar | ndị nkesa ikike Crydom | distributor resmi Crydom | dáileoirí údaraithe Crydom | distributori autorizzati Crydom | Crydom 認定ディストリビューター | Crydom nintei disutoribyūtā | Crydom ಅಧಿಕೃತ ವಿತರಕರು | Crydom уәкілетті дистрибьюторлары | Crydom wäkiletti dïstrïbyutorları | អ្នកចែកចាយដែលមានការអនុញ្ញាតពី Crydom | anak chekchay del mean karoanounhnhat pi Crydom | Crydom yemerewe gukwirakwiza | Crydom 공인 대리점 | Crydom gong-in daelijeom | belavkarên rayedar Crydom | Crydom ыйгарым укуктуу дистрибьюторлору | Crydom ıygarım ukuktuu distribyutorloru | Crydom ຕົວແທນຈໍາຫນ່າຍທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບອະນຸຍາດ | Crydom tuaaethn choanai thi daihboanunyad | Crydom auctoritate distributors | Crydom pilnvarotie izplatītāji | Crydom įgaliotieji platintojai | Crydom autoriséiert Distributeuren | Crydom овластени дистрибутери | Crydom ovlasteni distributeri | mpaninjara nahazo alalana Crydom | pengedar sah Crydom | Crydom അംഗീകൃത വിതരണക്കാർ | Crydom aṅgīkr̥ta vitaraṇakkār | distributuri awtorizzati Crydom | Crydom nga kaiwhakarato mana | Crydom अधिकृत वितरक | Crydom adhikr̥ta vitaraka | Crydom эрх бүхий дистрибьютерүүд | Crydom erkh bükhii distribiyutyerüüd | Crydom अधिकृत वितरकहरू | Crydom adhikr̥ta vitarakaharū | Crydom autoriserte distributører | Crydom ovomerezeka ogulitsa | Crydom ପ୍ରାଧିକୃତ ବିତରକ | Crydom مجاز توزیع کونک | توزیع کنندگان Crydom | autoryzowani dystrybutorzy Crydom | distribuidores autorizados Crydom | Crydom ਅਧਿਕਾਰਤ ਵਿਤਰਕ | Crydom adhikārata vitaraka | distribuitori autorizați Crydom | авторизованные дистрибьюторы Crydom | avtorizovannyye distrib'yutory Crydom | Crydom tufatufaina fa'atagaina | luchd-sgaoilidh ùghdarraichte Crydom | ицотек овлашћени дистрибутери | Crydom ovlašćeni distributeri | Crydom vane mvumo vanogovera | Crydom مجاز تقسيم ڪندڙ | Crydom බලයලත් බෙදාහරින්නන් | Crydom balayalat bedāharinnan | autorizovaní distribútori Crydom | pooblaščeni distributerji Crydom | Crydom qaybiyeyaasha idman | Crydom tumello ea ho aba | distribuidores autorizados Crydom | distributor otorisasi Crydom | wasambazaji walioidhinishwa wa Crydom | Crydom auktoriserade distributörer | дистрибюторҳои ваколатдори Crydom | distriʙjutorhoi vakolatdori Crydom | Crydom அங்கீகரிக்கப்பட்ட விநியோகஸ்தர்கள் | Crydom aṅkīkarikkappaṭṭa viniyōkastarkaḷ | Crydom вәкаләтле дистрибьюторлар | Crydom అధీకృత పంపిణీదారులు | Crydom adhīkr̥ta pampiṇīdārulu | Crydom ผู้จัดจำหน่ายที่ได้รับอนุญาต | Crydom p̄hū̂ cạd cảh̄ǹāy thī̀ dị̂ rạb xnuỵāt | Crydom yetkili distribütörleri | Crydom ygtyýarly paýlaýjylar | авторизовані дистриб'ютори Crydom | avtoryzovani dystryb'yutory Crydom | Crydom مجاز تقسیم کار | Crydom ھوقۇق تارقاتقۇچىلار | Crydom vakolatli distribyutorlari | nhà phân phối ủy quyền của Crydom | dosbarthwyr awdurdodedig Crydom | Crydom autorisearre distributeurs | abasasazi abagunyazisiweyo be-Crydom | יקאָטעק אָטערייזד דיסטריביאַטערז | ikotek otereyzd distribyaterz | Crydom ni aṣẹ awọn alaba pin | Crydom abasabalalisi abagunyaziwe
المعتمدين Crydom | Crydom gemagtigde verspreiders | distributorë të autorizuar Crydom | Crydom Authorized distributors | Crydom የተፈቀደላቸው አከፋፋዮች | Crydom yetefek’edelachewi ākefafayochi | almuazaeayn almuetamidayn Crydom | Crydom լիազորված դիստրիբյուտորներ | Crydom liazorvats distribyutorner | Crydom səlahiyyətli distribyutorları | আইকোটেক অনুমোদিত পরিবেশক | Ā'ikōṭēka anumōdita paribēśaka | Crydom baimendutako banatzaileak | аўтарызаваныя дыстрыб'ютары Crydom | aŭtaryzavanyja dystrybjutary Crydom | Crydom ovlašteni distributeri | оторизирани дистрибутори на Crydom | otorizirani distributori na Crydom | Crydom ခွင့်ပြုထားသော ဖြန့်ဖြူးသူများ | Crydom hkwng pyuhtarrsaw hpya n hpyauu suumyarr | distribuïdors autoritzats Crydom | Mga awtorisadong distributor sa Crydom | Crydom 授权经销商 |distributori autorizati Crydom | Crydom ovlašteni distributeri | autorizovaní distributoři Crydom | Crydom autoriserede distributører | Crydom geautoriseerde distributeurs | Crydom rajtigitaj distribuistoj | Crydom volitatud edasimüüjad | mga awtorisadong distributor ng Crydom | Crydom valtuutetut jälleenmyyjät | distributeurs agréés Crydom | distribuidores autorizados Crydom | Crydom ავტორიზებული დისტრიბუტორები | Crydom avt’orizebuli dist’ribut’orebi | autorisierte Crydom -Distributoren | εξουσιοδοτημένοι διανομείς Crydom | exousiodotiménoi dianomeís Crydom | Crydom અધિકૃત વિતરકો | Crydom adhikr̥ta vitarakō |distribitè otorize Crydom | Crydom masu rarraba izini | nā mea hoʻolaha ʻae Crydom | מפיצים מורשים של Crydom | आईकोटेक अधिकृत वितरक | Crydom adhikrt vitarak | Crydom अधिकृत वितरक | Crydom adhikrt vitarak | Crydom tso cai distributors | Crydom hivatalos forgalmazói | Crydom viðurkenndir dreifingaraðilar | ndị nkesa ikike Crydom | distributor resmi Crydom | dáileoirí údaraithe Crydom | distributori autorizzati Crydom | Crydom 認定ディストリビューター | Crydom nintei disutoribyūtā | Crydom ಅಧಿಕೃತ ವಿತರಕರು | Crydom уәкілетті дистрибьюторлары | Crydom wäkiletti dïstrïbyutorları | អ្នកចែកចាយដែលមានការអនុញ្ញាតពី Crydom | anak chekchay del mean karoanounhnhat pi Crydom | Crydom yemerewe gukwirakwiza | Crydom 공인 대리점 | Crydom gong-in daelijeom | belavkarên rayedar Crydom | Crydom ыйгарым укуктуу дистрибьюторлору | Crydom ıygarım ukuktuu distribyutorloru | Crydom ຕົວແທນຈໍາຫນ່າຍທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບອະນຸຍາດ | Crydom tuaaethn choanai thi daihboanunyad | Crydom auctoritate distributors | Crydom pilnvarotie izplatītāji | Crydom įgaliotieji platintojai | Crydom autoriséiert Distributeuren | Crydom овластени дистрибутери | Crydom ovlasteni distributeri | mpaninjara nahazo alalana Crydom | pengedar sah Crydom | Crydom അംഗീകൃത വിതരണക്കാർ | Crydom aṅgīkr̥ta vitaraṇakkār | distributuri awtorizzati Crydom | Crydom nga kaiwhakarato mana | Crydom अधिकृत वितरक | Crydom adhikr̥ta vitaraka | Crydom эрх бүхий дистрибьютерүүд | Crydom erkh bükhii distribiyutyerüüd | Crydom अधिकृत वितरकहरू | Crydom adhikr̥ta vitarakaharū | Crydom autoriserte distributører | Crydom ovomerezeka ogulitsa | Crydom ପ୍ରାଧିକୃତ ବିତରକ | Crydom مجاز توزیع کونک | توزیع کنندگان Crydom | autoryzowani dystrybutorzy Crydom | distribuidores autorizados Crydom | Crydom ਅਧਿਕਾਰਤ ਵਿਤਰਕ | Crydom adhikārata vitaraka | distribuitori autorizați Crydom | авторизованные дистрибьюторы Crydom | avtorizovannyye distrib'yutory Crydom | Crydom tufatufaina fa'atagaina | luchd-sgaoilidh ùghdarraichte Crydom | ицотек овлашћени дистрибутери | Crydom ovlašćeni distributeri | Crydom vane mvumo vanogovera | Crydom مجاز تقسيم ڪندڙ | Crydom බලයලත් බෙදාහරින්නන් | Crydom balayalat bedāharinnan | autorizovaní distribútori Crydom | pooblaščeni distributerji Crydom | Crydom qaybiyeyaasha idman | Crydom tumello ea ho aba | distribuidores autorizados Crydom | distributor otorisasi Crydom | wasambazaji walioidhinishwa wa Crydom | Crydom auktoriserade distributörer | дистрибюторҳои ваколатдори Crydom | distriʙjutorhoi vakolatdori Crydom | Crydom அங்கீகரிக்கப்பட்ட விநியோகஸ்தர்கள் | Crydom aṅkīkarikkappaṭṭa viniyōkastarkaḷ | Crydom вәкаләтле дистрибьюторлар | Crydom అధీకృత పంపిణీదారులు | Crydom adhīkr̥ta pampiṇīdārulu | Crydom ผู้จัดจำหน่ายที่ได้รับอนุญาต | Crydom p̄hū̂ cạd cảh̄ǹāy thī̀ dị̂ rạb xnuỵāt | Crydom yetkili distribütörleri | Crydom ygtyýarly paýlaýjylar | авторизовані дистриб'ютори Crydom | avtoryzovani dystryb'yutory Crydom | Crydom مجاز تقسیم کار | Crydom ھوقۇق تارقاتقۇچىلار | Crydom vakolatli distribyutorlari | nhà phân phối ủy quyền của Crydom | dosbarthwyr awdurdodedig Crydom | Crydom autorisearre distributeurs | abasasazi abagunyazisiweyo be-Crydom | יקאָטעק אָטערייזד דיסטריביאַטערז | ikotek otereyzd distribyaterz | Crydom ni aṣẹ awọn alaba pin | Crydom abasabalalisi abagunyaziwe
BEI Sensors Distributors | Rotary Encoder for Motion Control
ADVFIT is the BEI Sensors Encoders Supplier & Distributors , BEI Sensors specializes in speed and position sensors for extreme applications. Serving the industrial, military, aerospace and off-highway markets, BEI Sensors provides an extensive range of products from standard off-the-shelf to completely customized solutions for any challenging application. Backed by decades of experience, BEI designs sensors that offer uncompromising quality, performance, and reliability. The comprehensive product line includes optical and magnetic encoders, Hall effect sensors, potentiometers (wire wound, conductive plastic and hybrid), electronic interface modules, wireless modules, and a variety of product accessories. Specialized products for extreme applications include those for wash-down and corrosive environments, extended operating temperatures, high shock and vibration, wet and dirty operations and products certified for hazardous area use. BEI Sensors upholds a standard of excellence in our products, customer service experience, and commitment to being a global leader in speed and position sensor technology. |
BEI Sensors Supplier | BEI Sensors Distributor | BEI Sensors Agent | BEI Sensors Dealer | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย BEI Sensors ประเทศไทย | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #Beisensors #Beisensordistributors #Encoders #MagneticEncoders #IncrementalEncoders #Linearencoders #positionsensors
Amphenol Interconnect Solution | Authorized Distributors
ADVFIT - We are the Amphenol Supplier & Distributors | Amphenol Manufacturing connectors since 1932, we take pride that the Amphenol Industrial Products Group is the undisputed leader in interconnect systems for harsh environment applications. Such applications require a high degree of engineering sophistication and precision manufacturing capability. Innovations like our RADSOK® contact technology can provide roughly 50% more current through the same size pin. Connectors utilizing this RADSOK® technology will outperform similar products in the market hands down. The Amphenol Industrial Products Group (AIPG), a division of the Amphenol Corporation, is the leading manufacturer of cylindrical connectors in the world. Amphenol Industrial's product lines consist of rectangular, standard miniature, fiber optic, EMI/EMP filter, and a variety of special application connectors. |
amphenol interconnect solution distributors
#Amphenol Connecting Solution | Amphenol Supplier | Amphenol Distributors | Amphenol Dealers | Amphenol representative | Amphenol Agents | Amphenol Price | Amphenol Quote | Pengedar Amphenol | Amohenol 代理商 | Amphenol ディストリビューター | Amphenol 대리점 | Amphenol ผู้จัดจำหน่าย | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Amphenol ประเทศไทย | Amphenol Nhà phân phối | Amphenol ဖြန့်ဖြူးသူ | Amphenol वितरक | تقسیم کرنے والے Amphenol | Amphenol পরিবেশক | Amphenol බෙදාහරින්නා | Amphenol អ្នកចែកចាយ | Amphenol ຜູ້ຈຳຫນ່າຍ | Amphenol ਵਿਤਰਕ | الموزعون Amphenol | Amphenol utanga isoko | Amphenol verspreiders | Amphenol mpamatsy | Amphenol Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Batam | Balikpapan | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Mandalay | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh | Vientiane | Ubon Ratchathani | Bekasi | Yogyakarta #Amphenolindustrial #AmphenolAerospace #AmphenolMilitary #Amphenoltcs #Connectors # ElectricalEngineering # AmphenolGroup #IndustrialConnectors #AerospaceConnectors #MilitaryConnectors
SIKO Global Measurement Technology | Authorized Distributors
ADVFIT is the SIKO Malaysia Supplier / SIKO Malaysia Authorized Distributors to Service & Support team also carry Stock in Penang. SIKO Measurement technology since 1963 , Today SIKO sums up five decades of experience in length, angle and speed measurement technology globally . Building upon this core competence, SIKO develops and manufactures groundbreaking products for automation and drive engineering to Worldwide. The highest demands of our industrial and machine engineering customers lead to quality, precision and functionality of our products and services. |
siko global distributors
SIKO GLOBAL DISTRIBUTORS : Measurement Technology >> SIKO Supplier | SIKO Distributors | SIKO Agents | SIKO Dealers | SIKO Representative #sikoglobal #sikodistributors #siko #Measurementtechnology
Hohner Automation Encoder Authorized Distributors | ADVFIT Automation
hohner encoders distributors
Hohner Encoder Supplier | Hohner Encoder Distributor | Hohner Encoder Agent | Hohner Encoder Dealer | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Hohner Encoder ประเทศไทย | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #Encoders #MagneticEncoders #IncrementalEncoders #Linearencoders #positionsensors
Akusense Sensors Authorized Distributors | Asia - ADVFIT Automation
ADVFIT is the Supplier for Akusense Sensors Authorized Distributors in Malaysia & Asean Countries to Service & Support team | Sensors Consulting . AkuSense's technical expertise's are in the following sensing technologies: Photoelectric, Inductive, Hall, Capacitive, Laser, Ultrasonic, Millimeter Wave Pressure Film and wireless communication in industrial products. From the beginning technical feasibility assessment to manufacturing and quality control, AkuSense is confident that we can meet your requirements and we can help you in gaining your competitiveness. AkuSense welcomes OEM/ODM projects, our professional service team will response to your request with speed and passion! Adding Value, creating value-adding sensors for you! |
Akusense Sensors Supplier | Akusense Sensors Authorized Distributor | Akusense sensors Agent | Akusense Sensors Dealer | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #Akusense #AkusenseSensors #Sensors #SensorsMalaysia #Fiberopticsensors #Photelectricsensors #ProximitySensors #UltrasonicSensors #CapacitiveSensors #LiDarScanners #Scanners #LaserSensors #BatteryPackTester #SensorsChecker
Selet Sensors Authorized Distributors | ADVFIT Automation
ADVFIT .. the SELET Sensor Supplier & the SELET Sensors Authorized distributor Selet was born in 1973 at Turin (Turin) during the big industrial evolution time; it starts its job by making electronics boards for hydraulic and electrical fields but after for a year, It's right way was found and we started producing components for the automation fields. The production of inductive sensors starts, with the idea to push the mechanical limit switches away, from the automation world. In the 80s , Selet invested and put in its production range in new sensor technologies Capacitive and photoelectric sensors. |
selet sensors distributors
Selet Sensors Supplier | Selet Sensors Distributor | Selet Sensors Dealer | Selet Sensors Agent | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Selet Sensors ประเทศไทย | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #seletSensors #Sensors #Counter #ProximitySensors #PhotoelectricSensors #TemperatureController #AreaSensors #SafetySensors #MagneticSensors #LimitSwitches #PushButtons
microsonic Ultrasonic Sensors Distributors | ADVFIT Automation
ADVFIT is.. the microsonic Ultrasonic sensors Authorized Distributors & Suppliers to Service & Support team . The microsonic ultrasonic robust sensors prove their capabilities in the most diverse applications, particularly through their ability to operate without any contact with the objects being measured or detected. This is even possible under extreme ambient conditions. Also impressive is their ability to detect accurately a vast range of different materials and colors. Today, microsonic is a globally recognized specialist in ultrasonic sensors for applications in industrial automation technology and industrial vehicles. A large number of patent applications and a constantly growing assortment of products are witness to the power of innovation at microsonic. |
microsonic ultrasonic sensors
microsonic ultasonic sensors suppliers | mocrosonic ultrasonic sensors distributors | microsonic ultrasonic sensors agents | microsonic ultasonic sensors Dealer | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย microsonic ประเทศไทย | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #microsonic #microsonicUltrasonicSensors #Ultrasonic #UltrasonicSensors
co-ax valves Distributor | ADVFIT Automation
ADVFIT.. is the co-ax Valves Supplier and Distributors
For over 60 years, müller co-ax ag has been an innovative leader in the unique design and manufacture of coaxial valve technology for businesses worldwide. Based out of Forchtenberg Germany, the company has grown from the humblest of beginnings into the industry standard for valve technology that it is today. In 1997, müller co-ax ag sought to better serve the needs of its rapidly growing US customer base through the establishment of its first subsidiary abroad: co-ax® valves inc. in Bristol, Pennsylvania. |
co-ax valves distributors
co-ax Valves Supplier | co-ax Valves Distributor | co-ax Valves Dealer | co-ax Valves Agents | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย ca-ax Valves ประเทศไทย | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #coaxValve #Valves #co-ax | CO-AX Valve Distributors / Distribution Network | Agents | Dealers | Reseller | Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola Antigua & Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Bahrain | CO-AX Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | CO-AX Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Botswana | CO-AX Brazil | CO-AX Brunei Darussalam | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | CO-AX Burma (Myanmar) Distributors | Burundi | CO-AX Cambodia Distributors | Cameroon | Canada | Cape | Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | CO-AX Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Democratic Republic of the Costa Rica | Côte d'Ivoire | CO-AX Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | CO-AX Czech Republic | Denmark | CO-AX Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | East Timor | Egypt | El Salvador | England | Equatorial Guinea Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia | Fiji | Finland | France | Gabon Gambia | The Georgia | Germany | CO-AX Ghana | Great Britain | Greece | Grenada Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan | CO-AX Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kiribati | Korea North | Korea South | Kosovo | CO-AX Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | CO-AX Laos | Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | CO-AX Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Madagascar | Malawi | CO-AX Malaysia Distributors | Maldives | Mali, Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | CO-AX Myanmar Distributors| Namibia | Nauru | Nepal | The Netherlands | CO-AX New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | Norway | Northern Ireland | Oman | CO-AX Pakistan Distributors | Palau | Palestinian State | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | CO-AX Peru | CO-AX Philippines Distributors | Poland | Portugal | CO-AX Qatar | Romania | R CO-AX ussia | Rwanda | St. Kitts & Nevis | St. Lucia St. Vincent & The Grenadines | Samoa | San Marino | São Tomé & Príncipe | CO-AX Saudi Arabia distributor | Scotland | Senegal | Serbia | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | Solomon Islands | Somalia | South Africa | Spain | CO-AX Sri Lanka distributos | CO-AX Sudan | Suriname | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | CO-AX Taiwan | Tajikistan | Tanzania | CO-AX Thailand Distributors| Togo | Tonga | Trinidad & Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Tuvalu | Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates(UAE) | United Kingdom | United States (USA) | Uruguay | Uzbekistan | Vanuatu | Vatican City (Holy See) | Venezuela | CO-AX Vietnam Distributors | Western Sahara* | Wales | CO-AX Yemen | CO-AX Zaire | CO-AX Zambia | CO-AX Zimbabwe
Rechner Capacitive Sensors Distributors | ADVFIT Automation
ADVFIT is the Rechner capacitive Sensors Authorized Distributors to Service & Support team . Since the founding of our company in 1965, we have moved into a leading position worldwide through dedication, product innovation and top quality. This holds in particular for our special area of capacitive sensors, where we have played a major role in development and design. Many consider the name RECHNER as being synonymous with the capacitive sensor. This is a product that can be used in a great variety of settings and that is indispensable for today’s automation technology. The broad range of sensors RECHNER offers is clearly a key element of our success. This range includes capacitive, inductive, opto-electronic, calorimetric and magneto-resistive sensors. Our product range is complemented by a selection of ATEX approved sensors, ancillary equipment and transistor-based signal amplifiers, control units and power supplies. |
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Rechner Capacitive Sensors Supplier | Rechner Capacitive Sensors Distributor | Rechner Capacitive Sensors Dealer | ตัวแทนจำหน่าย Rechner Capacitive Sensors ระเทศไทย | Rechner Capacitive Sensors Agent | Distribution Representative office: Bangkok | Rayong | Chonburi | Pathum Thani | Jakarta | Surabaya | Bandung | Medan | Manila | Batangas | Cebu | Makati | Hanoi | Ho Chi Minh | Singapore | Yangon | Naypyitaw | Islamabad | Colombo | Dhaka | Karachi | Phnom Penh #RechnerSensors #RehnerCapacitive #CapacitiveSensors #LongDistanceSensors | Rechner Sensor Distributor >> Rechner Sensors Afghanistan · Rechner Sensors Albania · Rechner Sensors Algeria · Rechner Sensors Andorra · Rechner Sensors Arab Emirates, United · Rechner Sensors Argentina · Rechner Sensors Armenia · Rechner Sensors Aserbaidschan · Rechner Sensors Australia · Rechner Sensors Austria · Rechner Sensors Bahrain · Rechner Sensors Bangladesh · Rechner Sensors Belarus · Rechner Sensors Belgium · Rechner Sensors Belize · Rechner Sensors Bolivia · Rechner Sensors Bosnia-Herzegovina · Rechner Sensors Brazil · Rechner Sensors Bulgaria · Rechner Sensors Canada · Rechner Sensors Chile · Rechner Sensors China · Rechner Sensor